Black backpack
RM25 (Price in taobao) + RM6
red backpack
The list of sponsors are not yet complete. But you can already review the following sponsors:
You get 25 points each for writing a blog review of the following main sponsors. The review should be at least 200 words with 3 back links to their site or any of their post.
You get 20 points each for writing a blog review of the following. The review should be at least 200 words with 3 back links to their site or any of their post.
You get 10 points each for writing a blog review of the following. The review should be at least 200 words with 3 back links to their site or any of their post.
You get 5 points each for writing a blog review of the following. The review should be at least 200 words with 1 back links to their site or any of their post.
The Prize? For now the Pot Money is $275. So the cash prizes will conclude as follows:
~ 0 ~
Lucky Participant: $5
1 month 125×125 ad spot from:
So please always check back here for updates. Other prizes include ad spots from high ranking sites and Entrecard credits.
Contest shall end on November 22 (my bday), that is if we have more than 20 participants by that time. Otherwise, we will move it to a later date.